The International junior tournament dated to the Easter Week in Igualada, has the ambition to unit team
from all over the world competing in 9 different categories.


• 22U (players born after 01/01/2000): 8 teams
• 20U (players born after 01/01/2002): 10 teams
• 18U (players born after 01/01/2004): 12 teams
• 16U (players born after 01/01/2006): 16 teams
• 14U (players born after 01/01/2008): 16 teams
• 12U (players born after 01/01/2010): 12 teams
• 10U (players born after 01/01/2012): 12 teams
• 8U (players born after 01/01/2014): 8 teams
• 6U (players born after 01/01/2016): 6 teams

Teams must have at least a minimum of 8 players + 1 goalkeeper.
** Players are allowed to play in upper categories if the above category has the minimum of 8 players + 1
goalkeeper. These players will play with 50€ extra fee.


  • Sparta Kids fee per player: 180 EUR
  • Fee & 8Meals: 220 EUR
  • Accomodation + meals + fee: 470 EUR
  • Hotels from 50EUR per night


Day 1 – Wednesday April 5th
Official arrival. (Check in). At 17h Directorate Meeting with coaches. At 19h Opening Ceremony.
Day 2 – Thursday April 6th
Games will be played in the morning and afternoon.
Day 3 – Friday April 7th
Games will be played in the morning and afternoon.
Day 4 – Saturday April 8th
All day Play-off games.
Day 5 – Sunday April 9th
Finals, Awards and Closing Ceremony. Tournament finish at 20h.